The list and contact details of the institutions that operate under, coordinate or under the authority of the mayor's office
Subordinate institutions:
A. With legal personality
- Zimnicea City Hospital – Address: Str. Emperor Trajan no. 68-72, Tel/Fax: 0247.366.995
B. Subordinate services without legal personality
- Local Community Public Service for the Registration of Persons (SPCLEP) – Address: str. Împaratul Traian, no. 87, Tel: 0247.368.656, Fax: 0247366038
- Public Social Assistance Service - Address: City Hall headquarters - str. Giurgiu, no. 1; Phone: 0725.924.667; which coordinates the Social Services Complex, composed of:
- Children's Nursery - service taken over from Zimnicea City Hospital in 2001; Address: str. Ștefan cel Mare, no. 147;
– Day Center for Minors – service taken over from Teleorman County Council in 2005; Address: Mihai Viteazul str., Bl. 17B, sc. C, et. 3, apt. 9; Phone: 0247.367.038;
- Social Center for the Recovery of Elderly Persons - service established in 2013; Address: Mihail Kogălniceanu str., no. 30; Phone: 0762.211.609;
- Social Center for the Recovery and Counseling of Minors with Disabilities - service established in 2014; Address: Mihail Kogălniceanu str., no. 30; Phone: 0247.368.425;
- Social Service for Home Care of Persons with Severe Handicap - service established in 2015 - City Hall headquarters - Giurgiu str., no. 1; Phone: 0725.924.667;
- "Miron Radu Paraschivescu" Municipal Library - Address: Împaratul Traian str., no. 87;
- Agroalimentar Square – Address: Ștefan cel Mare str., no. 112;
- Fish Market - Address: str. Primaverii, no. 10; Phone: 0725.924.666;
- Sports base composed of:
– Stadium – Address: B-dul Eroilor, no. 3B;
– Leisure venue – Address: ANL block area;
- Local Police - Address: City Hall headquarters - str. Giurgiu, no. 1; Phone: 0762.211.615, 0762.211.617.