Public Debates

17.01.2025 - Anunț – Consultare și Dezbatere Publică: Proiect de Hotărâre privind Regulamentul normelor de bună gospodărire în Orașul Zimnicea


31.10.2024 - Anunț privind consultare și dezbatere publică a proiectului de hotărâre privind completarea H.C.L. nr. 60 din 29.04.2024 privind stabilirea impozitelor și taxelor locale pentru anul fiscal 2025


15.03.2024 - Anunț privind consultare și dezbatere publică a proiectului de hotărâre privind stabilirea impozitelor și taxelor locale pentru anul fiscal 2025


12.01.2024 - Anunț privind consultare și dezbatere publică a proiectului de hotărâre privind aprobarea bugetului local al orașului Zimnicea pe anul 2024 și estimări pentru anii 2025-2027


23.10.2023 - Proiect de hotărâre nr. 129 din 23.10.2023 privind completarea H.C.L . nr. 53/27.04.2023 privind stabilirea impozitelor și taxelor locale pentru anul fiscal 2024


01.03.2023 - Proiect de hotărâre nr. 26 din 01.03.2023 privind stabilirea impozitelor și taxelor locale pentru anul fiscal 2024


06.02.2023 - Strategia locala cu privire la dezvoltarea si functionarea pe termen mediu si lung a serviciului de salubrizare din orasul Zimnicea, judet Teleorman pentru perioada 2023-2028


03.01.2022 - Draft decision no. 1 from 03.01.2023 regarding: the approval of the local budget of the city of Zimnicea for the year 2023 and estimates for the years 2024-2026


03.11.2022 - Draft decision no. 114 of 03.11.2022 regarding the completion of HCL no. 35 of 20.04.2022 on the establishment of local taxes and fees for the fiscal year 2023


08/05/2022 - Draft decision no. 73 of 05.08.2022 regarding the amendment of HCL no. 35 of 20.04.2022 on the establishment of local taxes and fees for the fiscal year 2023


29.07.2022 - Draft decision no. 70 of 19.07.2022 regarding the approval of the Local Development Strategy of the City of Zimnicea for the period 2021-2027


31.05.2022 - Draft decision No. 52 of 30.05.2022 regarding the establishment of the special sanitation fee for the collection, transport and storage of waste for service users - natural persons who have not concluded a contract for the provision of the service with the sanitation operator from the city of Zimnicea for fiscal year 2023


07.03.2022 - Draft decision no. 25 of 04.03.2022 on the establishment of local taxes and fees for the fiscal year 2023

31.01.2022 - Minutes - Completion of the consultation procedure and public debate of the draft decision on the approval of the local budget of the city of Zimnicea for the year 2022 - download

12.01.2022 - Draft Decision on the approval of the local budget of the city of Zimnicea for the year 2022


02.11.2021 - Draft Decision on the amendment and completion of the HCL. no. 36/29.04.2021 on the establishment of local taxes and fees for the fiscal year 2022

24.03.2021 - Draft Decision on the approval of the local budget of the city of Zimnicea for 2021

16.03.2020 - Draft decision on the establishment of local taxes and fees for the fiscal year 2021


21.01.2020 - Draft Decision on the approval of the local budget of the city of Zimnicea for the year 2020

16.09.2019 - Draft Decision on the approval of the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (PAED) of the city of Zimnicea

12.03.2019 - Draft decision on the establishment of local taxes and fees for the 2020 fiscal year

11.02.2019 - Draft decision on the amendment of HCL no. 75/23.12.2016 on the approval of the establishment of the special sanitation fee for natural persons and the Regulation on the adoption of the special sanitation fee for natural persons

04.10.2017 - Draft decision on the establishment of local taxes and fees for the 2018 fiscal year

12.09.2017 - Draft decision on the establishment of the Public Service for the administration of the public and private domain, a service of local interest, specialized, with legal personality, under the authority of the Local Council of the city of Zimnicea, Teleorman county

12.09.2017 - Draft decision regarding the approval of the opportunity study regarding the establishment of optimal solutions for the administration of the public and private domain of the city of Zimnicea, Teleorman county

07.06.2017 - Draft decision on the approval of the establishment of the special sanitation fee for natural persons and the Regulation on the adoption of the special sanitation fee for natural persons

18.11.2016 - Draft decision regarding the approval of the Local Strategy regarding the development and operation in the medium and long term of the sanitation service in the city of Zimnicea, Teleorman county for the period 2016 - 2020

18.11.2016 - Draft decision regarding the approval of the own regulations of the Sanitation Service in the city of Zimnicea, Teleorman county

18.11.2016 - Draft decision regarding the granting of deferment for the payment of outstanding fiscal obligations owed to the local budget by natural and legal persons

18.11.2016 - Draft decision regarding the approval of the regulations for cutting and/or grooming trees and shrubs located on the public and private domain of the city of Zimnicea outside the forest fund, the valorization of the resulting wood material as well as the development of green areas by planting dendo-floricol material .

08.11.2016 - Draft decision regarding the approval of the special sanitation fee for natural persons and the Regulation regarding the adoption of the special sanitation fee for natural persons

27.10.2016 - Draft decision regarding the rental by public auction of some garages covered with tin, on the metal structure, without closures, belonging to the public area of local interest of the city of Zimnicea, in order to park cars

24.10.2016 - Draft decision on the establishment of local taxes and fees for the 2017 fiscal year

24.10.2016 - Draft decision regarding the organization, exploitation and management of the Zimnicea city resort for the year 2017

The Draft Decision of the City Council regarding the approval of the rental fees and the operating regulations for the sports fields in the ANL area

Public consultation for renting covered parking spaces

28.09.2015 - Draft Decision of the Local Council on the establishment of local taxes and fees for the 2016 fiscal year


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